Jaehong Min is a fifth-year Ph.D. student at the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering,
advised by Arvind Krishnamurthy.
He received an M.S. in Computer Engineering from Hanyang University in 2010 and has over 10 years of industry
experience, specializing in developing NVMe-oF systems, PCIe peer-to-peer solutions, and FPGA-based SmartSSD.
His research focuses on optimizing computer systems for data centers, spanning storage, memory, and network systems.
eZNS: An Elastic Zoned Namespace for Commodity ZNS SSDs
Jaehong Min and Chenxingyu Zhao, Ming Liu, and Arvind Krishnamurthy.
OSDI 2023
Dremel: Adaptive Configuration
Tuning of RocksDB KV-Store
Chenxingyu Zhao, Tapan Chugh, Jaehong Min, Ming Liu, and Arvind Krishnamurthy.
Gimbal: enabling multi-tenant
storage disaggregation on SmartNIC JBOFs
Jaehong Min, Ming Liu, Tapan Chugh, Chenxingyu Zhao, Andrew Wei, In Hwan Doh, and Arvind
MUCH: Multithreaded
Content-Based File Chunking
Youjip Won, Kyeongyeol Lim, and Jaehong Min.
IEEE Trans. on Computers 2015
Efficient deduplication
techniques for modern backup operation
Jaehong Min, Daeyoung Yoon, and Youjip Won.
IEEE Trans. on Computers 2010